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In Old Church Latin, the cardinal sins are generally called the “Seven Capital Sins,” meaning seven categories of moral transgressions that are considered to be “capital” (as in major). Three of the Seven Deadly Sins — avarice, sloth, and gluttony — are treated quite differently than the others. The other four Deadly Sins (pride, lust, anger, and envy) are treated similarly, in that they are typically referred to as “trials,” to reflect the practice of trial by battle. The Seven Deadly Sins (according to the formula of the Four Doctors of the Church) are pride, envy, avarice, gluttony, sloth, lust, and anger. The system is based on the system of the Four Doctors, and is divided into those virtues that represent the Fathers of the Church, those that represent the Doctors of the Lateran Council, and those that represent the Doctors of the Second Council. There is also a “Fifth Doctor,” but no one knows who he is. For those who have problems thinking of these seven, there are also a couple of lists that may be helpful. “Of the One Hundred and Fifty-three Heresies and Other Irregularities, Against the Faith of the Church.” By the Fifth Doctor. Reprinted in The Book of Judgment. “The Seven Deadly Sins.” A New American Edition. By the Fourth Doctor. “The Seven Deadly Sins.” A New American Edition. By the Third Doctor. “The Seven Deadly Sins.” A New American Edition. By the Second Doctor. I don’t think there’s a good name for this particular subplot, but there’s a good reason why there’s always a Murder Game around when time traveling is involved. When you’re an immortal being traveling through time, there’s bound to be a cast of characters that populate your life. It’s almost a matter of course that you’ll end up running into the murderers you’ve killed before
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